




中国科学院院士,南方科技大学代理副校长、讲席教授。国家心血管病中心原副主任、中国医学科学院阜外医院原副院长。先后毕业于南京医科大学和北京协和医科大学。分别于1983年、1986年、2007年获得南京医科大学医学学士学位、中国协和医科大学医学硕士学位、北京协和医学院理学博士学位。其间,1990.09--1992.10在美国明尼苏达大学流行病学系和内科学系担任访问学者,1997年在加拿大多伦多大学担任访问教授,1999.02--2000.02在英国南安普敦大学人类遗传系担任访问教授。现为中华预防医学会副会长、世界卫生组织心血管和慢性病防治专家,国际心血管流行病学与预防学会常务理事, 中华预防医学会心脏病预防与控制委员会全国主任委员;国家“健康中国行动”专家委员、中国医学科学院学术咨询委员会医学学部执行委员会委员、中国医学科学院学术咨询委员会药学-卫生健康与环境-生物医学工程与信息学部副主任。国际杂志 American Journal of preventive cardiology等编委,Chronic Disease and Translational Medicine、《中华预防医学杂志》、《中华流行病学杂志》、《中国循环杂志》等副主编。

预防心脏病学与流行病学家。长期从事心血管等慢性病的流行病学、人群防治和遗传病因研究。揭示我国心血管病流行趋势,解析环境、生活方式和遗传因素在心血管病等慢性病发生发展中的作用,创建我国心脑血管病风险预测模型,牵头制订了《中国心血管病风险评估和管理指南》、《中国健康生活方式预防心血管代谢性疾病指南》,提出心血管疾病防治策略和措施。构建高脂血症和冠心病遗传特征谱,创建了冠心病基因组风险评估模型,推进了冠心病精准医学研究,促进基础研究向人群防治的转化应用。先后承担国家863计划“高血压全基因组关联分析和药物基因组学研究”和“高血压分子分型和个体化诊疗技术”课题、973计划“中国人动脉粥样硬化遗传分子基础研究”、国家自然科学基金重点项目“冠心病全基因组关联研究”、“中国高血压调查随访及主要死亡影响因素研究”和“中国动脉粥样硬化性心血管病预测China-PAR”两个大型前瞻性队列研究、“十三五”国家重点研发计划我国大气污染的慢性健康风险研究”,以及多项重要国际合作项目。获得国家16项发明专利授权、牵头的“中国心血管疾病发展趋势和防治策略研究”和“中国人群高血压和冠心病遗传资源的收集和利用研究”获得两项国家科技进步二等奖。在心血管病因学和防治研究领域取得了重要的系统性创新成果,发表 SCI 论文380 余篇,含New Engl J Med、Lancet、JAMA、BMJ、Nat Genet等杂志;主编《预防心脏病学》,其研究成果被国内外防治指南和权威教科书及世界卫生组织专著等广泛引用。




1976.01--1978.09 江苏省启东市电器厂、工人;

1978.10--1983.07 南京医科大学预防医学系,获医学学士学位;

1983.08--1986.07 中国协和医科大学心血管内科流行病学专业学习,获医学硕士学位;

1986.07--1995.05 中国医学科学院阜外医院实习/助理/副研究员;


1995.06--2009.02 中国医学科学院阜外医院流行病学/群体遗传学室主任,研究员/教授;


2003.09--2007.12 在北京协和医学院基础医学研究所生物化学与分子生物学专业学习,获理学博士学位)

2009.02--2019.06 中国医学科学院阜外医院副院长、中国医学科学院阜外医院流行病学部主任/ 研究员/教授;

2015.07--2019.06 国家心血管病中心副主任;

2019.08--至今    南方科技大学代理副校长、讲席教授;



2004年  卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家荣誉称号;

2004年  新世纪百千万人才工程国家级专家荣誉称号;

2005年  国务院政府特殊津贴;

2007年  中华预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖;       

2008年  中华医学科技奖一等奖;

2008年  国家科学技术进步奖二等奖;

2009年  国家科学技术进步奖二等奖;

2016年  全国优秀科技工作者荣誉称号。


1.      Lu X, Niu X, Shen C, Liu F, Liu Z, Huang K, Wang L, Li J, Hu D, Zhao Y, Yang X, Lu F, Liu X, Cao J, Chen S, Li H, Tang W, Ren Z, Yu L, Wu X, Wu X, Li Y, Zhang H, Huang J, Hu Z, Shen H, Willer CJ*, Gu D*. Development and Validation of a Polygenic Risk Score for Stroke in the Chinese Population. Neurology. 2021 Aug 10;97(6):e619-e628.

2.      Liang F, Liu F, Huang K, Yang X, Li J, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Liu Y, Lu X and Gu D*. Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Cardiovascular Disease in China. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;75:707-717.

3.      Gu D*, et al. Chinese guideline on healthy lifestyle to prevent cardiometabolic diseases. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine]. 2020;54:256-277.

4.      Xia X, Liu F, Yang X, Li J, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Zhao Y, Wu X, Zhao L, Li Y, Huang J, Lu X, Gu D*. Associations of egg consumption with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Sci China Life Sci. 2020 Sep;63(9):1317-1327.

5.      Wang X, Liu F, Li J, Yang X, Chen J, Cao J, Wu X, Lu X, Huang J, Li Y, Zhao L, Shen C, Hu D, Yu L, Liu X, Wu X, Wu S and Gu D*. Tea consumption and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: The China-PAR project. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020:2047487319894685.

6.      Yang X, Liang F, Li J, Chen J, Liu F, Huang K, Cao J, Chen S, Xiao Q, Liu X, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Wu X, Li Y, Zhao L, Hu D, Huang J, Lu X, Liu Y* and Gu D*. Associations of long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 with mortality in Chinese adults: A pooled analysis of cohorts in the China-PAR project. Environment international. 2020;138:105589.

7.      Huang K, Liang F, Yang X, Liu F, Li J, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Liu Y, Lu X and Gu D*. Long term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and incidence of stroke: prospective cohort study from the China-PAR project. BMJ. 2019;367:l6720.

8.      Gu D*, et al. Joint Task Force for Guideline on the Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in China. Guideline on the assessment and management of cardiovascular risk in China. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine]. 2019;53:13-35.

9.      Liu Q, Liu FC, Huang KY, Li JX, Yang XL, Wang XY, Chen JC, Liu XQ, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu FH, Wu XP, Zhao LC, Li Y, Hu DS, Lu XF, Huang JF and Gu D*. Beneficial effects of moderate to vigorous physical activity on cardiovascular disease among Chinese adults. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2020;17:85-95.

10.    Gu X, Li Y, Chen S, Yang X, Liu F, Li Y, Li J, Cao J, Liu X, Chen J, Shen C, Yu L, Huang J, Lam TH, Fang X, He Y, Zhang X, Lu X, Wu S and Gu D*. Association of Lipids With Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: A Prospective Cohort Study Among 267 500 Chinese. Stroke. 2019;50:3376-84.

11.    Xing X, Yang X, Liu F, Li J, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Li Y, Hu D, Lu X and Gu D*. Predicting 10-Year and Lifetime Stroke Risk in Chinese Population. Stroke. 2019;50:2371-8.

12.    Lu X, Yang H, Xia X, Lu X, Lin J, Liu F and Gu D*. Interactive Mobile Health Intervention and Blood Pressure Management in Adults. Hypertension. 2019;74:697-704.

13.    Wang L, Shen C, Wang Y, Zou T, Zhu H, Lu X, Li L, Yang B, Chen J, Chen S, Lu X and Gu D*. Identification of circular RNA Hsa_circ_0001879 and Hsa_circ_0004104 as novel biomarkers for coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis. 2019;286:88-96.

14.    Huang K, Yang X, Liang F, Liu F, Li J, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Liu Y, Lu X and Gu D*. Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Hypertension Incidence in China. Hypertension. 2019;73:1195-201.

15.    Cai C, Zhu H, Ning X, Li L, Yang B, Chen S, Wang L, Lu X and Gu D*. LncRNA ENST00000602558.1 regulates ABCG1 expression and cholesterol efflux from vascular smooth muscle cells through a p65-dependent pathway. Atherosclerosis. 2019;285:31-9.

16.    Wang X, Yang X, Li J, Liu F, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Lu X and Gu D*. Impact of healthy lifestyles on cancer risk in the Chinese population. Cancer. 2019;125:2099-106.

17.    Liang F, Yang X, Liu F, Li J, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Liu Y, Lu X and Gu D*. Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and incidence of diabetes in China: A cohort study. Environ Int. 2019;126:568-75.

18.    Han C, Hu Z, Liu F, Yang X, Kelly TN, Chen J, Huang J, Chen CS, He J, Chen S, Wu X, Gu D and Lu X. Genetic variants of cGMP-dependent protein kinase genes and salt sensitivity of blood pressure: the GenSalt study. J Hum Hypertens. 2019;33:62-8.

19.    Xing X, Liu F, Yang X, Huang C, Zhang D, Chen S, Chen J, Li J, Liu Z, Lu F, Gu D and Huang J. Central Blood Pressure Responses to Dietary Sodium and Potassium Interventions. Am J Hypertens. 2018;31:582-9.

20.    Li L, Wang L, Li H, Han X, Chen S, Yang B, Hu Z, Zhu H, Cai C, Chen J, Li X, Huang J and Gu D*. Characterization of LncRNA expression profile and identification of novel LncRNA biomarkers to diagnose coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis. 2018;275:359-67.

21.    Huang K, Xiao Q, Meng X, Geng G, Wang Y, Lyapustin A, Gu D* and Liu Y*. Predicting monthly high-resolution PM2.5 concentrations with random forest model in the North China Plain. Environ Pollut. 2018;242:675-83.

22.    Han C, Liu F, Yang X, Chen J, Li J, Cao J, Li Y, Shen C, Yu L, Liu Z, Wu X, Zhao L, Hu D, Lu X, Wu X and Gu D*. Ideal cardiovascular health and incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease among Chinese adults: the China-PAR project. Sci China Life Sci. 2018;61:504-14.

23.    Gong X, Han X, Lu X, Chen J, Huang J, Kelly TN, Chen CS, He J, Gu D and Chen S. Association of Kir genes with blood pressure responses to dietary sodium intervention: the GenSalt study. Hypertens Res. 2018;41:1045-53.

24.    Wang L, Li H, Yang B, Guo L, Han X, Li L, Li M, Huang J and Gu D. The Hypertension Risk Variant Rs820430 Functions as an Enhancer of SLC4A7. Am J Hypertens. 2017;30:202-8.

25.    Lu X, Peloso GM, Liu DJ, Wu Y, Zhang H, Zhou W, Li J, Tang CS, Dorajoo R, Li H, Long J, Guo X, Xu M, Spracklen CN, Chen Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Khor CC, Liu J, Sun L, Wang L, Gao YT, Hu Y, Yu K, Wang Y, Cheung CYY, Wang F, Huang J, Fan Q, Cai Q, Chen S, Shi J, Yang X, Zhao W, Sheu WH, Cherny SS, He M, Feranil AB, Adair LS, Gordon-Larsen P, Du S, Varma R, Chen YI, Shu XO, Lam KSL, Wong TY, Ganesh SK, Mo Z, Hveem K, Fritsche LG, Nielsen JB, Tse HF, Huo Y, Cheng CY, Chen YE, Zheng W, Tai ES, Gao W, Lin X, Huang W, Abecasis G, Consortium G, Kathiresan S, Mohlke KL, Wu T, Sham PC*, Gu D*and Willer CJ*. Exome chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci and East Asian-specific coding variants that contribute to lipid levels and coronary artery disease. Nat Genet. 2017;49:1722-30.

26.    Liu F, Yang X, Li J, Cao J, Chen J, Li Y, Liu X, Zhao L, Shen C, Yu L, Huang J and Gu D*. Association of fasting glucose levels with incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: An 8-year follow-up study in a Chinese population. J Diabetes. 2017;9:14-23.

27.    Li X, Yang Y, Wang L, Qiao S, Lu X, Wu Y, Xu B, Li H and Gu D*. Elevated plasma miRNA-122, -140-3p, -720, -2861, and -3149 during early period of acute coronary syndrome are derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. PLoS One. 2017;12:e0184256.

28.    Huang C, Moran AE, Coxson PG, Yang X, Liu F, Cao J, Chen K, Wang M, He J, Goldman L, Zhao D, Kinney PL and Gu D*. Potential Cardiovascular and Total Mortality Benefits of Air Pollution Control in Urban China. Circulation. 2017;136:1575-84.

29.    Han X, Hu Z, Chen J, Huang J, Huang C, Liu F, Gu C, Yang X, Hixson JE, Lu X, Wang L, Liu DP, He J, Chen S and Gu D*. Associations Between Genetic Variants of NADPH Oxidase-Related Genes and Blood Pressure Responses to Dietary Sodium Intervention: The GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2017;30:427-34.

30.    Zhang D, Cao J, Dong Z, Li J, Li G, Ma A, Yang X, Liu F, Chen J, Huang J and Gu D*. Prevalence of active and passive tobacco smoking among Beijing residents in 2011. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2016;2:120-8.

31.    Yang X, Chen J, Li J, Cao J, Lu X, Liu F, Hu D, Liu X, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Huang J, Li Y, Wu X and Gu D*. Risk stratification of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Chinese adults. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2016;2:102-9.

32.    Yang X, Li J, Hu D, Chen J, Li Y, Huang J, Liu X, Liu F, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X and Gu D*. Predicting the 10-Year Risks of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Chinese Population: The China-PAR Project (Prediction for ASCVD Risk in China). Circulation. 2016;134:1430-40.

33.    Xue H, Wang C, Li Y, Chen J, Yu L, Liu X, Li J, Cao J, Deng Y, Guo D, Yang X, Huang J and Gu D*. Incidence of type 2 diabetes and number of events attributable to abdominal obesity in China: A cohort study. J Diabetes. 2016;8:190-8.

34.    Lu X, Li J, Li H, Chen Y, Wang L, He M, Wang Y, Sun L, Hu Y, Huang J, Wang F, Liu X, Chen S, Yu K, Yang X, Mo Z, Lin X, Wu T and Gu D*. Coding-sequence variants are associated with blood lipid levels in 14,473 Chinese. Hum Mol Genet. 2016;25:4107-16.

35.    Huang K, Liu F, Han X, Huang C, Huang J, Gu D and Yang X. Association of BMI with total mortality and recurrent stroke among stroke patients: A meta-analysis of cohort studies. Atherosclerosis. 2016;253:94-101.

36.    Hu Z, Liu F, Li M, He J, Huang J, Rao DC, Hixson JE, Gu C, Kelly TN, Chen S, Gu D and Yang X. Associations of Variants in the CACNA1A and CACNA1C Genes With Longitudinal Blood Pressure Changes and Hypertension Incidence: The GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2016;29:1301-6.

37.    Guo L, Wang L, Li H, Yang X, Yang B, Li M, Huang J and Gu D. Down regulation of GALNT3 contributes to endothelial cell injury via activation of p38 MAPK signaling pathway. Atherosclerosis. 2016;245:94-100.

38.    Guo L, Liu F, Chen S, Yang X, Huang J, He J, Jaquish CE, Zhao Q, Gu CC, Hixson JE and Gu D*. Common variants in the Na(+)-coupled bicarbonate transporter genes and salt sensitivity of blood pressure: the GenSalt study. J Hum Hypertens. 2016;30:543-8.

39.    Feng B, Huang C, Cao J, Dong Z, Liu F, Ji L, Yang J, Li G, Li J, Yang X, Xie J, Fang K, Huang J and Gu D*. Diabetes awareness, treatment, control rates and associated risk factors among Beijing residents in 2011: A cross-sectional survey. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 2016;2:147-58.

40.  Chen S, Huang J, Zhao Q, Chen J, Jaquish CE, He J, Lu X, Yang X, Gu CC, Hixson JE, Liu F, Rice TK, Cao J, Chen J and Gu D. Associations Between Genetic Variants of the Natriuretic Peptide System and Blood Pressure Response to Dietary Sodium Intervention: The GenSalt Study. Am J Hypertens. 2016;29:397-404.
