




朱斌博士,公共卫生及应急管理学院助理教授,博士生导师。朱斌博士获得管理学与公共政策学博士双学位,在加州大学圣地亚哥分校进行公共卫生与家庭医学方向博士后训练。作为研究骨干参与美国NIH R01项目,美国中华医学基金会项目,国家社科基金重大项目,国家发改委“十三五”规划前期研究重大等项目,在国内外期刊发表论文40余篇,其中SCI/SSCI收录论文28篇,担任Frontiers in Epidemiology期刊特邀编辑和BMC Health Services Research, BMC Family Practice, Rural & Remote health等期刊独立审稿人。

课题组长期招收硕士生、博士生、博士后、研究助理(RA)、访问本科生和研究生。申请者请把CV和Personal Statement发邮件给朱斌老师。


1. 大数据驱动的重大突发公共卫生事件应急管理体系研究

2. 基于GIS的医疗卫生资源空间配置和空间流行病学研究

3. 慢性病和特殊疾病疾病负担测算与相关医保政策评估









[1] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:医联体模式下基层医疗卫生服务能力提升机制研究,2021(承担)

[2] 深圳市卫生健康委员会委托项目:深圳市居民健康预期寿命测算研究,2021(承担)

[3] 深圳市哲学社会科学规划项目(SZ2021C017):深圳市公共卫生体系建设短板及完善路径研究,2021(承担)

[4] 美国 NIH/NIDA : Neighborhood Physical, Economic, and Socioeconomic Environment in Relation to Marijuana Use and Disorder(参与)

[5] 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA079):预防为主的大健康格局与健康中国建设研究(参与)

[6] 国家发展和改革委员会(2014FWG01):“十三五”健康保障发展问题研究(参与)

[7] 世界卫生组织驻华代表处(S2016WH001):中国西部地区国家级卫生人力政策实施评价研究(参与)

[8] 国家卫生健康委员会(S2018012):“一带一路”沿线重点国家卫生合作需求评估及合作策略研究(参与)

[9] 美国中华医学基金会(10-029):Recruitment and Retention of Human Resources for Health in Rural West China(参与)


[1] 深圳市孔雀人才计划C类,2021-2026

[2] Post-doc Fellowship, University of California, San Diego,2019

[3] Peter Ho Scholarship, City University of Hong Kong,2019

[4] Travel Fellowship Award of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) 2nd Biennial Conference, Yale University, 2018

[5] 中国医保研究会优秀论文一等奖(国家级学会),2017


1. Christian Gunadi, Bin Zhu, Yuyan Shi*. Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Transitions in Cannabis Use: Findings from a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Cohort in the US. Addiction. 2022, (accepted)

2. 朱斌,宁伟,张静雅,李浩然,张宁,何荣鑫,毛瑛.我国基本医保门诊慢特病政策分析——基于内容分析法[J].中国卫生政策研究,2022,15(01):43-49.

3. 朱斌,张宁,何荣鑫,宁伟,谢涛,鲁永博,柳锦楠,毛瑛.重特大疾病保障政策的实践与效果——基于延安市的实证研究[J].卫生经济研究,2022,39(02):14-18.

4. 朱斌,毛瑛,张宁,何荣鑫,宁伟,谢涛,刘锦林. 基于空间分析的中国药师技师配置及优化策略研究,中国卫生事业管理, 2022,04.

5. 朱斌,毛瑛,何荣鑫,张宁,宁伟,刘锦林. 中国卫生人力资源配置公平性测量方法及应用综述,中国卫生事业管理,2022,39(01):10-16.

6. Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao, Bin Zhu*.  How does job mobility relate to work commitment among rural healthcare workers? A cross-sectional study in western China [J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2021, 21(1), 1126.

7. Ning Zhang, Wei Ning, Tao Xie, Jinlin Liu, Rongxin He, Bin Zhu*, Ying Mao*. Spatial Disparities in Access to Healthcare Professionals in Sichuan: Evidence from County-Level Data [J]. Healthcare, 2021, 9(8), 1053.

8. Ning Zhang, Tao Xie, Wei Ning, Rongxin He, Bin Zhu*, and Ying Mao*. The Severity of COVID-19 and Its Determinants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in China [J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 5305.

9. Rongxin He, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Wei-Hong Zhang*, Ying Mao*, Women’s cancers in China: a spatio-temporal epidemiology analysis[J]. BMC Women's Health, 2021, 21, 116.

10. Li Ding, Ning Zhang, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Xue Wang, Feng Liu and Ying Mao*.  Spatiotemporal characteristics and meteorological determinants of hand, foot and mouth disease in Shaanxi Province, China: a county-level analysis. [J]. BMC Public Health, 2021, 21:374.

11. Yuyan Shi*, Bin Zhu, Di Liang. The Associations between Prenatal Cannabis Use Disorder and Neonatal Outcomes [J]. Addiction, 2021. (Reported by US news, MD edge, Physician's weekly, Vancouver Sun)

12. Rongxin He, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Wei-Hong Zhang, Ying Mao*, Women’s cancers in China: a spatio-temporal epidemiology analysis[J]. BMC Women's Health, 2021, 21, 116.

13. Bin Zhu*, Ying Mao, Chih-Wei Hsieh. Spatial Distribution of Health Manpower in China: Exploring its Characteristics and Determinants [M], Nova Science Publishers, 2020, New York. (ISBN: 978-1-53617-572-1).

14. Bin Zhu, Huiying Guo, Ying Cao, Ruopeng An, Yuyan Shi*. Perceived Importance of Factors in Cannabis Purchase Decisions: A Best-worst Scaling Experiment [J]. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020.

15. Rongxin He, Jinlin Liu, Zhang Wei-Hong, Bin Zhu, Ning Zhang, Ying Mao*. Turnover intention among primary health workers in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. BMJ Open, 2020, 10:e037117.

16. Ying Mao*, Ning Zhang, Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Rongxin He. A Descriptive Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Intestinal Infectious Diseases in China [J]. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019, 19, 766.

17. Ying Mao*, Ning Zhang, Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Rongxin He, Xue Wang.  A systematic review of depression and anxiety in medical students in China [J]. BMC Medical Education, 2019, 19, 327.

18. Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Jingxian Wu, Ying Mao*. Job satisfaction, work stress, and turnover intentions among rural health workers: a cross-sectional study in 11 western provinces of China[J]. BMC Family Practice, 2019, 20, 9.

19. Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Yang Fu, Bo Zhang, Ying Mao*. Spatio-temporal epidemiology of viral hepatitis in China (2003–2015): Implications for prevention and control policies[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 661.

20. Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Rongxin He, Ning Zhang, Ying Mao*. Detecting the priority areas for health workforce allocation with LISA functions: An empirical analysis for China [J]. BMC health services research, 2018, 18, 957.

21. Bin Zhu*, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Yue Zhang. Incorporating spatial statistics into examining equity in health workforce distribution: An empirical analysis in the Chinese context [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 1309.

22. Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao*. Modeling the dynamics and spillovers of the health labor market: Evidence from China’s provincial panel data[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(2), 333.

23. 朱斌,毛瑛*.中国2005—2015年典型法定报告肠道传染病流行趋势及时空集聚分析[J].中国公共卫生,2018,34(08):1120-1124.

24. 朱斌,刘锦林,毛瑛*.中国典型法定报告传染病发病率空间关联性分析[J].中国公共卫生,2018,34(01):4-8.

25. Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao*. Notifiable sexually transmitted infections in China: Epidemiologic trends and spatial changing patterns[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(10), 1784.

26. 朱斌,毛瑛*.代际支持、社会资本与医疗服务利用[J].社会保障研究,2017(03):48-59.

27. 毛瑛*,朱斌.社会性别视角下的代际支持与老龄健康[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2017,37(03):63-72. (新华文摘观点收录,人大报刊复印资料全文转载)

28. 毛瑛*,朱斌,刘锦林,李翌晨.依托地理分级标准的卫生人力资源配置——澳大利亚经验对我国的启示[J].中国卫生事业管理,2015,32(10):758-760+768.

29. 毛瑛*,朱斌,刘锦林,王雪.健康生态学视角下中老年人群慢性病影响因素实证[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2015,35(05):15-24.

30. 毛瑛*,朱斌,刘锦林,吴静娴,井朋朋,李翌晨,宋晓阳.我国大病保险政策评价:基于旬邑县的实证研究[J].中国卫生经济,2015,34(08):10-14.

31. 毛瑛*,朱斌,刘锦林,井朋朋,吴静娴,李翌晨,宋晓阳.我国西部地区卫生人力资源配置公平性分析:基于资源同质性假设[J].中国卫生经济,2015,34(07):31-34.


[1] Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Jingxian Wu, Ying Mao*. Peculiarity, Environmental and Chronic Diseases: Using Ecological Models as a Framework for Analyzing Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases.[J]. Value in Health, 2015, 18(7):A515-A515.

[2] Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Ning Zhang, Rongxin He, Ying Mao*. Are medical graduates’ initial intentions consistent with whether they ultimately opt for rural practice after graduation? A cross-sectional survey in western China, Lancet, 2018,392, S18.

[3] Ying Mao*, Rongxin He, Jinlin Liu, Ning Zhang, Bin Zhu. Turnover intention of primary health workers in China: a systematic review [J]. Lancet, 2018, 392, S17.

[4] Jingxian Wu, Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Ying Mao*. What is Government's Responsibility for China's Universal Health Security? An Outlook for a National Health Security System[J]. Value in Health, 2016, 19(7):A831-A831.


[1] Bin Zhu, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Ying Mao. Spatio-temporal Variations of Licensed Doctor Distribution in China: A Retrospective Study. 2020 Annual conference of American Society for Public Administration, April, 2020, Anaheim, CA, USA.

[2] Bin Zhu, Jinlin Liu, Yang Fu, Bo Zhang, Ying Mao. Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis in China (2003–2015): Implications for Prevention and Control Policies. China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) 2018 Biennial Conference.“Advances in Health Policy and Healthcare, May, 2018, Yale University, New Haven, USA.

[3] Jinlin Liu, Bin Zhu, Ying Mao. Does previous turnover behavior increase the odds of subsequent turnover intentions among nurses? Evidence from rural western China. Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Advancing health systems for all in the SDG era. Liverpool, UK – October 8-12, 2018.

[4] Bin Zhu, Chih-wei Hsieh. Spatial distribution of health workforce in China: Exploring its characteristics and determinants. The 5th Public Governance Forum in Greater China, October, 2017, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

[5] Bin Zhu, Yang Fu, Jinlin Liu, Ying Mao. Notifiable Sexually Transmitted Infections in China: Epidemiologic Trends and Spatial Changing Patterns, The 5th International Conference on Geo-informatics in Sustainable Ecosystem and Society (GSES-2017). September, 2017, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
